Holistic Health Coaching


Let’s take a WHOLE look at your health.

Our Holistic Health Coaching packages are designed to provide both education and conversation surrounding your personal wellness.
With an East meets West ↦ Ancient Wisdom meets Modern Science ↤ approach to our coaching, we will serve as guides as you transition +
level up into becoming happy, healthy, whole and the most authentic version of yourself.

⌇THINK OF holistic health coaching as PERSONAL TRAINERs FOR YOUR WELL-BEING⌇

We will work together as a team to identify your personal goals and create a custom designed roadmap to your success.
We will help you reach your goals by making gradual, healthy, and reasonable changes in your stress management (well-being),
eating habits (nutrition), and physical activity (movement).

how our holistic health coaching programs work…

STEP ONE - Contact us to discuss your needs for your personalised Holistic Health Coaching package.

STEP TWO - We will be in touch within 48 hours to book your free initial 30-minute consultation.
This is where we can discuss your goals in further detail. Pinpointing the specific areas that may need support from us.

STEP THREE - During our weekly catch up sessions (after the consultation) we’ll work together towards understanding your mind + reconnecting it with your body.
We will share with you everyday practices + tools to implement simple, positive and most importantly SUSTAINABLE lifestyle + behavioural changes.

As coaches, we will be on hand to support you throughout your journey. However, our goal is to put the power back into your hands!

COMMON TOPICS & HEALTH CONCERNs we can cover together…

⟡ Stress + anxiety management

⟡ Nutrition, eating psychology + digestive health

⟡ Relationships : with yourself, others, the planet + source

⟡ Boost confidence + self-esteem

⟡ Skin concerns : acne, ageing + irritations

⟡ Exercise that works for your bodies biomechanics

⟡ Energy + Sleep

⟡ Habit change + goal setting

⟡ Conscious consumerism + sustainable living


“The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.”

- Oprah Winfrey